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Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the cubhub.social moderators.

  1. No minors. This is an adult instance and minors are not allowed. You must be 18+ to join and interact.
  2. No cub/child porn. No porn depicting any underage character in a sexual situation or in the presence of one is allowed. Cub/child nudity with exposed genitalia is similarly not allowed.
  3. No zoophilia. Do not post art depicting any animal in a sexual situation. Quadruped characters with full human mental faculties are fine.
  4. Use content warnings (CW's) for text posts when appropriate. If discussing topics such as politics, current events, mental health, plot spoilers, extensive descriptions of sex/kink, or other subjects users may find objectionable or triggering, you must content warn it and tag it appropriately.
  5. Use content warnings (CW's) for sensitive media. Any media that features nudity/yiff/heavy kink/straitjackets & tied up characters/impact play & spanking/material with the intent to arouse, alcohol/drug use, violence/gore, or other objectionable/triggering content must be tagged with a content warning. Leaking/messy diapers must be CW'd.
  6. Use content warnings (CWs) for all story posts. As CubHub has a 100k character limit, stories can be posted inline within posts. Please use content warnings for all story posts even if it's SFW. This is just so people can know what to expect from your story before reading!
  7. No NSFW banners or avatars. Banners and avatars that display nudity, yiff, erections under clothing, or other sexual material, or themes users may find objectionable are not allowed. If you could have it on a badge or dress that way at a convention, it can be in your avatar/banner.
  8. No harassment. Do not call out, demean, or harass a member of this or any Fediverse community. To that end, if an issue arises with another Fediverse user, please contact the moderation staff directly or use the report feature.
  9. No illegal content. Do not post copyrighted material without permission from the content owner, do not post threats of violence against an individual, and do not post any content that would be deemed illegal for our server to host within the jurisdiction of the United States.
  10. Artwork posted must be yours or have consent from the original artist. If you post the artwork of another artist, you must have their consent for it to be posted and you must include credit to the artist who drew it. If using stickers, the credit can be included in the image description
  11. No hate speech. This includes but isn't limited to hate towards race, religion, spirituality, sexualities, or gender identities. Promotion of hateful ideologies such as Nazism, the Confederacy, MAGA, or Blue Lives Matter is also considered hate speech. Any hate speech will result in an immediate ban.
  12. No disinformation. Do not spread disinformation about elections, current events, COVID-19, 5G, vaccines, etc.
  13. No spam. While advertising yourself is allowed, please do not repeatedly spam advertisements for your services or commissions. Crypto, NFTs, and advertisements for sex work are entirely banned, do not post or boost them.
  14. Bot and parody accounts must be labelled as such. Additionally, bot accounts that affect server performance will be immediately removed.
  15. Media that is entirely AI-generated must be CW'd, and all works featuring AI-generated content must include the tools used to generate it in the message body. This does not include works that use AI as reference material or AI removal tools such as Magic Eraser.